Saturday, August 02, 2008

If You Want My Vote

I love it. John McCain complains about all the attention that Barack Obama gets from the press, yet when he does get a little PT (Press Time), all he does is talk about what Senator Obama will do if Obama is elected President. I have a little advice for Mr. McCain. If you expect to get this Independent’s vote, start telling me not only what you will do if elected, but how you plan to do it. I am dying to know how you plan on balancing the budget, now that Mr. Bush will be leaving you a half a trillion dollar deficit for 2009. How is drilling for oil in ANWAR and offshore going to produce one additional gallon of gasoline during your administration? How is maintaining Bush’s tax cuts going to stimulate our sick economy? Are Bill Gates and Warren Buffet going to start shopping at Wal-Mart to create a trickle down economy? Now that the surge is a success, does that mean we have won the war in Iraq? If not, how will we know when we have won the war? When you tell us we’ve won? You told us you know how to win wars. What wars have you won?
If Senator McCain expects to become President McCain, he needs to give the American people a reason to vote for him, not reasons to vote against Obama. After all, if he is elected, he won’t have Obama to blame for the high gas prices anymore.


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