Friday, November 16, 2007

Read My Lips

They told me that if I voted for John Kerry for President in 2004, I would be helping to put a flip flopper in the White House. You know what? They were right. President Bush’s new found religion of fiscal conservatism is welcome news, but is about six years too late. Where was this fiscal conservatism when he was spending 600 billion dollars on the war in Iraq? Where was this fiscal conservatism when he was racking up 2.8 billion dollars in deficits from 2001 to 2006? But his conservatism only goes so far. When it comes to his favorite pork barrel project, the war in Iraq, he can’t spend money fast enough. This week he asked for an additional $50 billion. And Congress, in its usually inept way, is going to give it to him, by trying to tie the money to a troop withdrawal. HELLO! Been there, done that. Didn’t work. Isn’t that the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again, each time expecting a different result? How about trying something new? Like tying the $50 billion to a tax increase to pay for it. How about telling Bush that if he wants to continue the war in Iraq, he has to pay for it here and now by raising taxes? Tell him that we are not going to borrow any more money to pay for this war. Let’s find out what is more important to him, the war in Iraq or tax cuts for his buddies. To take a page out of his father’s notebook, “Read my lips. No more borrowing!”