Ann Coulter
Why is it that every time I try to read a column written by Ann Coulter, I can't get past the first paragraph before turning the page? I keep waiting to hear something intelligent come out of her mouth, but time after time, I am disappointed. Her arguments defy all logic. She comes across as a whinny fifth grader in a stupid name calling contest on the playground.
Case in point is her column on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. She astutely observes that the Democrats should run Ahmadinejad for president because liberals agree with him on the issues. Liberals agree with him? He's got to be a conservative's (wet) dream candidate. Here's a guy who fervently believes in God, does not allow dissent in his own country (unpatriotic), accuses any country that does not agree to his form of government of supporting terrorism, believes in the right to develop nukes in order to defend his country (wink wink), and finally, is against homosexuals. Sounds like the perfect conservative Republican candidate to me. How Ann Coulter can turn Ahmadinejad into a liberal, only God knows (and he's not talking, at least to me).
Case in point is her column on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. She astutely observes that the Democrats should run Ahmadinejad for president because liberals agree with him on the issues. Liberals agree with him? He's got to be a conservative's (wet) dream candidate. Here's a guy who fervently believes in God, does not allow dissent in his own country (unpatriotic), accuses any country that does not agree to his form of government of supporting terrorism, believes in the right to develop nukes in order to defend his country (wink wink), and finally, is against homosexuals. Sounds like the perfect conservative Republican candidate to me. How Ann Coulter can turn Ahmadinejad into a liberal, only God knows (and he's not talking, at least to me).